Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Food, glorious food/ We're anxious to try it

I have tried most foods at least once and, in many instances, have ended up pleasantly surprised. Pigs cheek is bomb ass. Escargot is pretty much what you would expect, slimy and salty even when covered in a mountain of garlic. Rattlesnake tastes like a combination of chicken and clams.

Now, I admit, until I became a vegetarian again, that my palate was a bit broader than most and I do have a sense of adventure when it comes to food that would frighten a lot of people, most members of my family included. My brother is even more adventurous, being the world traveler and all. But I do have to laugh when I see adults shy away from foods in ways that mimic a four- year- olds reaction to brussel sprouts.

Today I made an awesome cream of potato soup that I sold like gang busters. I had a woman order that and a side salad. Simple request. I asked her if she would care for some apples or beets on the salad and, I swear, when I said "beets"I might as well have said, "Would you like some fetuses on that?" She crinkled up her nose and said, "Oh, no. No beets. No way."

Just to see her make that face again, I wanted to look at her and say "Seriously? What about some placenta? It's good for the complexion." But I showed a little restraint.

Speaking of showing restraint, none was shown last week at the Walrus Bonecock/ Smell of Death show. Brewtalitea was awesome as usual. The next one, on November 10, will feature iODIC and Rebirthing Candace. Also, be on the lookout for Brewtalitea T-shirts.

Coming up over the next couple of weeks will be Uncle Jemima, from Charlottesville (Oct. 24), Oktoberfest (Oct 25), and the best Halloween party in town (Oct. 31) with a gallery opening of Elliot Downs work and the Smell of Death and Pablo and the Dregs playing. Jonny Fritz, aka Corndawg, will be making an appearance Wednesday after a couple of months touring mid-western Moose Lodges.

Mark your calanders, bring an open mind and a willingness to expand your palate.

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