Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Making your way in the world takes everything you got... Sometimes you want to go where everyone knows your name...

Every time I write a blog post I promise to be more diligent about keeping it, but with everything else going on, it's hard to remember to post here as well as Facebook and Twitter and Tumblr and So for the (not so) New Year I won't say that I will post regularly, but at least with more frequency than every 6 months.

We have had a spectacular winter (until February when Mother Nature's depth perception got screwed up and she mistook Staunton for Alaska). Not many businesses can say that they have doubled their sales repeatedly since the previous year, but we can!

This fall I hired Kelly Seymour to be our chef and that relationship has worked splendidly. Between Kelly, sweet Sarah Pool, and me we have run a tight ship and made this little shop a fun lunch spot, a teen hang out, a place for a multiple course dinner, and a friendly neighborhood bar. We're like a multi-purpose Cheers!

We are now hosting monthly Wine Tastings that involve a four course meal and multiple wines! I am very excited that those are so successful we have to take reservations!

Our role as a music venue is continuing to flourish. At this point, we are booked through mid-May. I have more people asking to book shows than I have available dates.

I think that the Darjeeling Cafe is continuing to solidify its' role in the community as an authentic European style cafe where you can enjoy a fine glass or wine, a good beer, a cheap beer, exotic tea, or a French Press of coffee, as well as a wrap, comfort food, or fine dinner. The direction that this place has taken is so much more than I ever expected. I couldn't be prouder of the little Cafe that could.